The studio has reached a truly fallow year. We have had another wild and beautiful adventure with the birth of our second child, Elder Rain. A huge inspiration to home-birth this beautiful soul into the world, and slowly beckon the next chapters of life with more in tow..x

That said, we’ve also started shaping and living into the dream of ‘living on the land’, and have acquired a modest 3 acres just off the cliffs in Cornwall. A dream of off-grid living, growing our own produce and creating studios and creative spaces as we go. There will be many paintings forging their way out of this chapter….

I am beginning to pick the paints up again. Stolen moments. So different from the process before.

Sketches of the little ones. Watching their movements and tones and the play of light on their beings brings me immense joy. Moments outside in the beaming, growing, heaving summer that is now shrinking to her Autumnal gate. Light. Beautiful Light. These moments call to me, and beckon a new theme for my painting journey. As Cornwall rests easy into her year with those last collective exhales of insect and bloom alike before slipping into the brace of Winter, I feel the urge to paint her lines just as my families. I relish the idea of storms and winds and bare trees. For there is power in the greyness of Winter, not depletion. There is silence there, among the wild ocean breakers. There is echo and depth of past in the blackness of granite cliffs.

Newsletters, Children and Land…x